Cancer and Tumors – The Conquerable Viruses

Some years ago, I knew a woman whose mother had a medical condition that required surgery, but her doctor could not operate, because she also had a tumor that would endanger her chances of surviving the operation. Her doctor tried everything he knew to shrink the tumor before operating, without success.

I had the answer. I was well-acquainted with the writings and work of an herbalist who went around the country healing people with natural remedies, some of whom had been given up to die, and I had practiced the use of herbal remedies, guided by his book on herbal healing, Back to Eden. This herbalist, Jethro Kloss, related in his book that his parents had a mailman diagnosed with cancer, to whom they gave Red Clover Blossoms tea. The mailman drank the Red Clover Blossoms tea like water and lived to a good old age. He never had to have an operation.

My friend was so desperate for a remedy for her mother that she took the Red Clover Blossoms without questioning it. Her mother made and drank the tea religiously. Her doctor was absolutely amazed when the tumor shrank, as he could not shrink it with any of the powerful pharmaceutical drugs he had available. The operation went ahead as planned, though many months later than desired, because of the failure of the pharmaceutical drugs to shrink the tumor to a safer size. It was interesting to me to note that the time it took the Red Clover Blossoms to do their job was shorter than the time the doctor took trying to shrink the tumor with various modern drugs.

Are you aware that many of the milk cows that produce the milk sold in grocery stores are now getting cancer? About fifteen years ago, I was told by the owner of a health food store that even the milk cows used to produce the more expensive health food store milk, some of which is organic, were beginning to show signs of cancer. Remarkably, cows that feed on Red Clover Blossoms do not get cancer.

In his book, Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss extols Blue Violet (Viola cuculata–there are other phyla of Viola) as a proven cancer remedy and declares that Blue Violet is especially beneficial in combination with Red Clover Blossoms and Vervaine. If I had possessed any Blue Violet herb the day my friend approached me about her mother, I would have given it to her, since I knew that Red Clover Blossoms and Blue Violet together were a powerful pair. Viola cuculata is renowned for its power against tumors. When you acquire a copy of Back to Eden, look up Blue Violet. You will be astounded at the kinds of diseases and conditions this wonderful herb can handle.

You can learn to fine-tune herbal remedies to you personally, as well as to your family members.