Why Is Blood Pressure Control Less Likely in Poorer Areas?

Blood pressure control is critical for everyone. In some circumstances, it is difficult to control blood pressure. However, it can be controlled by inculcating certain lifestyle changes which lower it. Maintaining such a lifestyle is not always easy for poor individuals whose living standard is below five dollars a day. Therefore, it is imperative to examine reasons making blood pressure control less likely in poorer areas and possible solutions to curb such a menace.

Poorer areas have no access to healthy food. In such places, people tend to have a bad diet which leads to heart disease. Unhealthy foods which cause high blood pressure are characterized by having too much salt in the diet that causes the body to retain fluids hence blood pressure. People living in such areas eat a lot of junk food which increases both hypertension and abnormal obesity. Most of the water that is being taken in these areas is dirty making given their body organs’ response for filtration difficult work. Sometimes dirt from the water gets in the body and affects body organs directly linked with heart functionality which increases chances of blood pressure. Unhealthy food and poor living conditions are the reasons making it difficult to control it in poorer areas.

It is less likely to control the pressure in poorer areas due to the lack of exercise by inhabitants of those places. Many people living in poorer areas struggle for a living. While doing “blue-collar jobs”, individuals living in these places do not have enough time to exercise. Due to poor living conditions, they do not go for training where in most cases the importance of exercising is taught. It is important to exercise as by doing so one’s heart gets stronger thereby lowering chances of it. Most people living in poorer areas should find ways of exercising in order to control their pressure. They should not be too busy making themselves fit and making their bodies healthy.

Individuals living in poorer areas encounter a lot of stress in their lives. Chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure. These people stressed about their works, families, and finances. For example, one has a very difficult boss in his or her place of work. Every time the boss shouts and blames him or her when completing a certain task. Such a person will not have peace of mind and will be under duress and stressed up most of the time. Poorer areas have many individuals who are struggling and working at all costs regardless of the situation. Some think that drinking alcohol and smoking will help reduce stress but only pile up the problem of blood pressure. Additionally, those areas are always targeted for substandard substances and drug abuse. These substandard goods and drugs are sold very cheaply in these areas. Unfortunately, few or no regulation policies for taking those kinds of goods and drugs. In the long run, people living in such areas will develop complications that will in turn increase blood pressure in their bodies.

Most of the poorer areas are full of people who do not have support in taking care of their lives. Unlike richer areas where the majority of people have subscribed to programs that help them control the pressure, poorer areas lack such. Additionally, poorer areas’ inhabitants do not monitor their blood pressures or see doctors regularly for checking their health conditions. All these involve money which is hard to come by in poorer areas. People in such areas just live without seeking medical help or check-up until they encounter challenges associated with blood pressure.

Interventions should be put in place to help poorer areas control blood pressure. The measures can be both short-term and long-term. There should be policies and programs that supplying both clean water for domestic use and healthy food. Accessibility to healthy food will help most residents of such areas control blood pressure. People living in such areas should incorporate a good diet and stop taking junk foods as they are the source of unhealthy food that increases the risk of having high blood pressure.

The government through different agencies can initiate educational programs for people living in poorer areas. These people need to be taught healthy living and explained the importance of physical exercise. The government can improve their living conditions and standards by offering them better job opportunities. Additionally, the government can a feeding program to help in elevating vulnerable people. Initiating training and counseling programs that teach people ways of managing stress. Similarly, through such initiatives, the government can introduce preventive measures of drinking alcohol and smoking. Urging people dwelling in poorer areas to minimize and avoid substance abuse as they are not the cure for stress. Helping affected individuals understand that engaging in substance abuse only compiles problems like stress which leads to high pressure.

In conclusion, it is true that blood pressure control is less likely in poorer areas. It is because many people in such places do not have access to healthy food, lack physical exercise, do not know how to manage stress, and lack a support system. However, all is not lost as there are interventions that are helpful in making poorer areas control blood pressure. These interventions are not limited to; initiating programs of supplying clean water and offering job opportunities to the residents of these areas, training and counseling dwellers of these places ways of managing stress, and advising everyone to avoid substance abuse.

Works cited

Carroll, Linda. “Poorer U.S. Patients Less Likely to Get Blood Pressure Controlled.” U.S. Last modified July 31, 2019.

Mayo Clinic Staff. “10 Drug-free Ways to Control High Blood Pressure.” Mayo Clinic. Last modified February 24, 2021.